Right now we are done with the chassis but we built it wrong the first time and right now we are building the claw so we can pick things up. When we built the Super Structure we built it wrong, we put the Super Structure on backwards and we are now fixing that and putting it on the right way.
We are a very strong, powerful,and independent all girls robotics team that are trying to make a change in the world
Get to Know Us
Lady voltage is a all girls robotics team. At first there was only a all boys team and we wanted to have our own team to show that girls can be smart to. We all don't go to the same school and we are from Cleveland Ohio. The fact that all of the girls aren't from the same school puts us ahead because we don't know these people and it shows we can get along with people and even when they aren't here when the come back we can catch them up Easley. We are trying to show that we aren't holding back because before we didn't have a team and now we do because we aren't holding back and we want to show that we can do anything.